The City of York manages 1000+ metered spaces, most of which are in Historic Downtown York. All meters are electronic.
The City has partnered with ParkMobile for on-street parking convenience. ParkMobile is available at any parking meter in the City. The parking zone number is listed on the meters on each block and there are also street signs that indicate the zone you are in. Look for the Green and Black ParkMobile sticker with the York City logo.
The app is very convenient to use and sends reminders when parking is scheduled to end! No coins needed!
All Zones operated by the City of York begin with “99” (Example 99101, 99102, etc.).
If the zone number does not begin with “99”, you are in a privately owned parking area! Please be advised that many private parking lot owners have contracted with booting companies to enforce these parking areas.
Ready to Park now? Use the icon below to access ParkMobile!
Download the ParkMobile app today and use it anywhere ParkMobile is available!
Operating Hours
The meters are in effect from 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday. All meters have a 2-hour time limit. Meters in the Retail District are also in effect from 9am-3pm Saturday. See Retail Zone Meters Map below to see the meters that are enforced on Saturdays.
Payment at Parking Meters
All meters accept quarters, dimes, and nickels and will register the appropriate proportion of time. The credit card enable meters in the downtown area will accept quarters, dimes, nickels and credit card payments.
On-Street Meter Rates
Retail Zone Meters – $1.50 per hour (See Retail Zone Map below)
All Other Meters – $1.00 per hour
The City of York enforces based on the city’s parking ordinances. Parking tickets can be issued by the City of York Parking Bureau or The City of York Police. All parking tickets can be paid online or at City Hall located at 101 S. George St. York, PA 17401.
- Meters are enforced Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm
- Meters located in the “Retail Zone” are enforced Saturday, 9:00am to 3:00pm
- Meters are free on Sundays
- Meters are free on holidays observed by the City of York
Retail Parking Zone
Meter Permits
Meter permits are for city residents only and are available in the designated core and non-core areas of downtown.
- Core Parking Permits: Available for $40.00 per month
- Non-Core Parking Permits – Available for $90.00 for every 6-month period
On-Street Parking Map
- Core Parking
- Non-Core Parking
- Permits Not Allowed — Must Feed Meter
Parking Meter Malfunction
If a parking meter malfunctions, please call the City of York Parking Bureau at (717) 849-2230 and advise them of the problem. Please give the meter number on the side of the pole that the meter is on or the street address the meter is located so the meter can be checked as soon as possible.
Leasing Meter Spaces
Meter spaces can be leased is you are moving to the downtown area, special events or weddings. Spaces can also be leased to contractors or business owners for projects. Meter spaces can be rented for $15.00 per day Monday thru Saturday. Signs must be posted 24-hours prior to the need for the signs in order to be properly enforced. Requests made the day of cannot be enforced and will not be granted. Please contact the City of York Parking Bureau at (717) 849-2230 or parking@yorkcity.org to purchase or if any additional information is needed.
Out of Service Meter PolicyNo Parking Signs
No Parking Signs can be purchased for $1/per sign to reserve on-street parking spaces in non-metered areas. These signs are typically purchased for moving vehicles, construction projects, dumpsters usage (permit is required to be submitted through Permits, Planning & Zoning), and special events that will require parking to be reserved on a non-metered street. Signs must be posted 24-hours prior to the need for the signs to be properly enforced. Requests made the day of cannot be enforced and will not be granted. Please contact the York City Parking Bureau at Parking@yorkcity.org or 717-849-2230 for additional details or to purchase the signs.