City of York

Business Administration

101 S. George St.
York, PA 17401
Phone: (717) 849-2263


Business Administration is comprised of the Office of the Business Administrator, Bureau of Finance, Office of Information Services, Parking Bureau, Office of Human Resources and White Rose Community Television (WRCT). The department provides financial management support services, human resources management, and information systems management to the entire City, and in addition, provides parking system operational services to the City of York General Authority (CYGA) through the Parking Bureau and administrative services to the CYGA through the Finance Bureau, Office of Information Services and the Office of the Business Administrator.


Kimberly Robertson
Business Administrator
101 South George Street, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 509
York, Pennsylvania 17405
Phone: 717.849.2883
Fax: 717.848.3590


Business Administration Links

  • Office of Human Resources

    The Office of Human Resources (HR) is responsible for employee relations, attendance management, personnel records management and benefit administration.  HR is responsible for recruitment, selection and placement of new city employee’s.  HR determines the classification and compensation of all employees as established by the City’s collective bargaining agreements and ensures equal employment opportunities.  HR shares payroll processing responsibilities with the Finance Bureau.  HR administers the labor contracts and grievance procedures and oversee the labor relations efforts including labor negotiations with the collective bargaining units.

  • Office of Information Services

    The Office of Information Services is responsible for technological support to City Departments and the City’s network.   Services include database maintenance, desktop, email and network support, telephone support to land lines and wireless along with server management.  The Office purchase hardware and software and procures system maintenance contracts.

  • Parking Bureau

    The Parking Bureau is managed by the Business Administration Department.  The City of York General Authority contracts with the City Parking Bureau to manage the parking system.  The Parking Bureau manages all the parking facilities owned by the City of York General Authority and the City, which includes 3 garages and fourteen surface lots.  The Parking Bureau is responsible for the enforcement, installation, fee collection and maintenance of the parking meters.

    Visit York City Parking Page

  • White Rose Community Television

    White Rose Community Television (WRCT) is a Regional Public, Education and Government access (PEG) station providing two cable channels that broadcast 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  The channels reach 55 of York County’s 72 municipalities.  Historically channel 16 reaches 55,000 subscribers in the greater York Area with approximately 4,000 households located in the City of York. In 2005, channel 18 was added to the cable line up. Channel 18’s footprint includes the greater York area and added an additional 45,000 subscribers down into the Hanover area. Households that have satellite service that cannot receive WRCT are encouraged to watch our programming on the internet via  WRCT became part of Business Administration in 2006.

    Watch Recent WRCT Videos

    Facebook Page


  • Bureau of Finance

    The Bureau of Finance is responsible for accounting, budgeting, pension administration and debt management.  Finance major responsibilities includes recording the City’s financial activity, maintaining the centralized accounting system and for City wide purchasing and issuing required financial statements.


    Finance is responsible for payroll preparation for all city employees, including producing and delivering paychecks for all city employees.  Human Resources collects and maintains the information that feeds into the Finance’s process.


    Finance bills residents for sewer and garbage collection services.  Commercial wastewater pretreatments bills are issued through the City’s Municipal Industrial Pretreatment Program (MIPP), which is part of the Department of Public Works.  The City uses a private contractor for some kinds of delinquent sewer and garbage collection bills.

    Other department handle billing and cash transaction related to the programs they manage.  For example, the Department of Public Works collects fees for Recreation Programs and bills private daycare centers that operate out of the City’s recreation centers.  The Bureau of Planning Permits and Zoning handles billing for plan reviews and subdivision and related fees.


    Working with the Parking Bureau Finance handles parking registration, billing and fine collection for the City of York General Authority.

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