Codified Ordinances

The Codified Ordinances of the City of York cover all ordinances of a general and permanent nature. The provisions of such general and permanent ordinances are set forth in full in the Codified Ordinances. The ordinances contained herein are for informational purposes. As our laws change throughout the year, please contact the City Clerk weekdays for updated/amended ordinances.

The York City Codified ordinances are codified, edited and prepared for publication by American Legal Publishing. To purchase a complete Codified Ordinance book for the City of York, please contact:

American Legal Publishing
Phone: 800.445.5588
Visit Website

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. If you need official, certified copies of any Council documents, you must obtain such official copies through the Office of the City Clerk. As our laws change throughout the year, please contact the City Clerk for updates and/or amendments to the code.

Fee Legislation 1962 City of York Charter Articles of Incorporation

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