Downtown Inc (York Business Improvement District Authority)


Downtown Inc is a community organization working to facilitate leadership, collaboration, advocacy, and promotion of downtown initiatives in order to improve the overall physical appearance of downtown York, increase foot traffic throughout the downtown district, and communicate to the community at large the positive activities taking place in downtown York. Downtown Inc coordinates programming within the downtown, such as First Friday events, walking tours and downtown orientations, merchant open house events, and beautification projects.

Downtown Inc also oversees the York’s Business Improvement District Authority. A Business Improvement District (BID) is a geographical area in which property owners choose to be assessed a fee by the Authority to fund business-related activities and improvements that will benefit the district as a whole. In York’s BID, property owners are assessed at a rate of .001% of their property value and the funds are used to support Downtown Inc’s mission to champion the downtown experience.

Municipal Authorities Act of 1945, as amended by Act 110 of 2001 passed 12/17/01 (SB1215) regulates that each member shall be a taxpayer in, maintain a business in, or be a resident of the municipality in which the Authority is organized.

The Mayor appoints the 11 members to 5-year terms with Council’s consent.


    Notice is hereby given that the York Business Improvement District Authority will hold its 2025 bi-monthly board meetings in-person on the 2nd Wednesday of every other month beginning in February and ending in December from 7:30am to 9am.

    For participation in person:
    Stock and Leader Attorneys at Law
    221 West Philadelphia St., Suite 600
    York, PA 17401

    Public comments submitted in advance related to action before the Authority will be heard during the meeting.

    The above meetings will be held for the purpose of passing resolutions and such other business as may come before the Authority.

    Click here to download 2025 meeting dates.


    Lauren Days, Chair
    Term expires: 01/01/2027

    Aneury Perez, Immediate Past Chair and Vice President
    Term expires: 1/1/2028

    Melissa Beaverson, Secretary
    Term expires: 1/1/2028

    Sarah Malinsky, Treasurer
    Term expires: 1/1/2026

    John Klinedinst
    Term expires: 01/01/2030

    R. Eric Menzer
    Term expires: 01/01/2027

    Delia Pabon
    Term expires: 01/01/2027

    Jason Philips
    Term expires: 01/01/2028

    Jason Sabol
    Term expires: 1/1/2026

    Julian Tolbert
    Term expires: 1/1/30

    Joanne Wilmore
    Term expires: 01/01/2030


    Staff Contact:
    Sarah O’Brien
    Director, Downtown Inc
    144 Roosevelt Ave
    York, PA 17401

More Information

For more information about Downtown Inc, visit their website

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