Immunization Program

Every year in the City of York, many people get diseases that vaccines can prevent. The York City Bureau of Health focuses on preventing infectious diseases by helping to increase vaccination rates. Some U.S. communities have low vaccination coverage that puts them at risk for outbreaks. We want to make certain that York is not one of those communities!

Vaccines reduce risks of getting a disease by working with your body’s natural defenses to build protection. When you get a vaccine, your immune system responds.

We now have vaccines to prevent more than 20 life-threatening diseases, helping people of all ages live longer, healthier lives. Immunization currently prevents hundreds of deaths in Pennsylvania from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza, and measles.

The City of York Bureau of Health’s Immunization Program provides vaccine-preventable immunizations for children and adults as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Immunizations are entered into the statewide immunization information system (SIIS), a registry that allows for easy access and sharing of immunization status among health care providers. We provide free vaccines to children and adults who qualify. A simple phone call to the York City Health Bureau can determine if you or your child qualifies.

Please contact us at 717-849-2299


Additional Information

Diseases You Almost Forgot About CDC - Vaccines & Immunizations PA Department of Health - Immunizations Healthy Habits to Help Prevent Flu Seasonal Influenza Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)


Immunization is a key component of primary health care and an indisputable human right. Vaccines are critical to the prevention and control of infectious disease outbreaks.  DON’ T WAIT…. GET UP TO DATE!

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