Christmas is less than six months away. That makes it time again for the City of York to announce its search for the best tree to place on Continental Square for the upcoming holiday season.
The following construction projects by York Water Co. are scheduled the week beginning July 15, 2024 and will affect traffic in the City of York. Pending weather or other unexpected events, the projects will affect the indicated roads
The City of York provides parking permits for residents that live on designated blocks/streets during the York Fair, which runs from July 19th to July 28th, 2024.
Summer’s heat and humidity continue with July predominately forecasted to be in the 90’s. Trash collections will begin at 5 am for the remainder of July 2024.
Mayor Michael Helfrich will be available to answer questions about his experience at the U.S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting that took place from June 20-23 in Kansas City, Missouri.
The following construction projects by York Water Co. are scheduled the week beginning June 24, 2024 and will affect traffic in the City of York. Pending weather or other unexpected events, the projects will affect the indicated roads
The City of York’s garage on Market St will be having the elevator shaft windows re-sealed beginning on Monday, June 24. The drive lane from Duke St to the garage as well as the sidewalk will be closed while work continues through Friday, June 28. The Market St and Clarke Alley entrances will remain open.
A lift to the 11th floor is likely to obstruct the crosswalk. Cones and arrows will redirect people to an alternate walking area.
The City of York Bureau of Health, York/Adams Drug and Alcohol Commission, and York Opioid Collaborative have been working together to distribute Narcan the 4th Tuesday of each month. On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the monthly Narcan distribution event will continue to take place at City Hall (101 S. George St). Individuals can pick up Narcan (outside and in front of City Hall) and receive a brief training on how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose.
In addition, the event will also have resources about HIV and STDs in recognition of Pride Month and National HIV Testing Day on June 27, 2024. Refer to the Health Bureau’s Sexual Wellness Webpage for additional information.