The City of York Mission Statement
To ensure a safe, clean, healthy, productive city where neighborhoods are revitalized, history is preserved, the natural environment is respected, and where all people can reach their full potential through education, commerce, culture, recreation and wellness. These initiatives will be accomplished through:
City Services – To deliver effective and efficient services, without bias or prejudice.
Our Employees – Recognizing that our employees are our most valuable resource, we will provide them with safe, clean, productive, and technologically friendly workplaces where we encourage pride, productivity and accountability for the quality of their work and where they are given meaningful opportunities for professional growth.
Communications – To be accessible to all people in our diverse community, including our fellow employees, to answer their questions promptly, to listen respectfully, and, in all of our communications, to be truthful, responsive, and professional.
Financial Management – To be effective and responsible stewards of public resources, to wisely and prudently use these resources for the public good, and to be accountable to those who have placed their trust in us.
The Law – To respect the law by word, in external and internal communications, and by deed, by enforcing and abiding by all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
The City of York Vision Statement
To become a thriving urban community where:
Residential, Commercial, & Recreational Spaces Will Be Safe, Clean, & Well-Lighted.
First, through the “Take 30” program and in fulfilling their everyday duties, our police officers will continue to engage in personalized dialogues with our People and develop open communication and trust with them.
Second, we will educate and encourage our People to “community-police” their neighborhoods and to take a vested interest in their own blocks and neighborhoods, thereby fostering community pride and solidarity and an intolerance for dirty streets, blight, anti-social conduct, and criminal behavior.
Third, we will explore creative and cost-effective lighting initiatives that will improve safety and security during evening and early morning hours.
Fourth, we will increase the percentage of owner-occupied homes in the City, thereby ensuring more long-term residents and stability in neighborhoods.
The City Will Create Conditions That Encourage A Vibrant Economy Throughout The City.
First, we will effectively market the advantages of opening a business in the City.
Second, we will assist businesses wanting to expand or relocate, assist entrepreneurs through the code compliance process, and introduce such businesses and entrepreneurs to potential business partners. We also will streamline the business creation process, particularly with regard to codes.
Third, we will provide a quality infrastructure and a quality educational environment in order to attract more businesses to the area.
We Will Make York A Tourist, Cultural & Social Destination.
First, we will work with business leaders and non-profits to improve and promote our historical and cultural resources.
Second, we will encourage the development of attractive and distinct districts in downtown York that are walkable and that are enticing to residents and tourists alike.
Third, we will ensure ample parking near tourist attractions and the downtown districts.
Fourth, we will effectively market our tourist attractions, districts, ample parking, walking tours, murals, Heritage Rail Trail, and green spaces to markets beyond York County.
York Will Be A City Where Our People Strive To Reach Their Full Potential Through Education, Commerce, Culture, And Recreation.
We will provide quality and accessible educational, business-related, cultural, and recreational resources for our People.
We will cultivate an encouraging environment charged with hope, initiative, and energy so that diverse Peoples pursue diverse goals with vigor, pride, and persistence.