City of York

Bureau of Finance

101 S. George St.
York, PA 17401
Phone: (717) 849-2263


The Bureau of Finance is responsible for accounting, budgeting, pension administration and debt management.  Finance major responsibilities includes recording the City’s financial activity, maintaining the centralized accounting system and for City wide purchasing and issuing required financial statements.


Finance is responsible for payroll preparation for all city employees, including producing and delivering paychecks for all city employees.  Human Resources collects and maintains the information that feeds into the Finance’s process.

Service Billing

Finance bills residents for sewer and garbage collection services. Commercial wastewater pretreatments bills are issued through the City’s Municipal Industrial Pretreatment Program (MIPP), which is part of the Department of Public Works. The City uses a private contractor for some kinds of delinquent sewer and garbage collection bills.

Other department handle billing and cash transaction related to the programs they manage. For example, the Department of Public Works collects fees for Recreation Programs and bills private daycare centers that operate out of the City’s recreation centers. The Bureau of Planning Permits and Zoning handles billing for plan reviews and subdivision and related fees.

Parking Management

Working with the Parking Bureau Finance handles parking registration, billing and fine collection for the City of York General Authority.

Payment Links

Parking Tickets Neighborhood Ordinance Ticket Sewer | Refuse Bill

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