Firefighter of the Year Award
Each year, a career member of the Department is selected as the Firefighter of the Year, based on sustained performance. The award consists of a gold bar for uniform wear enameled in equal divisions of red and separated by a segment of gold metal with the year of the award inscribed thereon in navy blue enamel, as well as a plaque or recognition provided by the York Professional Firefighters Association.
Firefighter of the Year Award Recipients
Anthony W. Caruso 2017 Kevin L. Holtzapple 2016 Matthew B. Hoblitzell 2015 No Award 2014 William L. Collins 2013 Kenneth E. Sheffer 2012 Frederick R. DeSantis, III 2011 Patrick J. Rose 2010 Shawn M Firestone 2009 Robert E. Bievenour 2008 Mark J. Bowman 2007 David P. Michaels 2006 Chad A. Deardorff 2005 *Ivan K. Flanscha 2004 David L. Bowman 2003 David J. Ferguson 2002 Donald E. Newcomer 2001 Gordon F. Myers, Jr. 2000 Joseph P. Portner 1999 Darryl K. Maxfield 1998 William H. Sleeger, Jr. 1997 Ronald L. Simmons 1996 Jeffrey A. Miller 1995 John A. Kottmyer 1994 Gregory S. Altland 1993 *George A. Kottmyer 1992 No Award 1991 Larry E. Pritt 1990 *Gregory E. Holtzapple 1989 Kenneth E. Shefffer Carlos R. Fuentes
1988 *George A. Kottmyer 1987 David W. Lauer 1986 Barry A. Halpin 1985 *William F. Halpin 1984 Lawrence Pflaum, Jr. 1983 *Michael R. Landis 1982 *Cletus L. Arnold 1981 *Gerald H. Stein 1980 Curtis L. March 1979 Richard W. Saylor 1978 * Deceased
Volunteer Firefighter of the Year Award
Each year, a volunteer member of the Department is selected as the Volunteer Firefighter of the Year, based on sustained performance. The award consists of a gold bar for uniform wear enameled in equal divisions of red and separated by a segment of gold metal with the year of the award inscribed thereon in navy blue enamel, as well as a plaque and ribbon provided by the Foremens – Presidents – Fire Chiefs Association.
Volunteer Firefighter of the Year Award Recipients
No Award 2017 David C. Sheasley 2016 Arthur H. Harman 2015 Lisa J. Welty 2014 No Award 2013 No Award 2012 No Award 2011 Marlin H. Grove 2010 Frederick A. Kottmyer, Jr. 2009 Robert N. Bowman 2008 Dean A. Lightner 2007 Albert H. Shaffer 2006 Sharon A. Bleacher 2005 Charles F. Warren, III 2004 Clarence J. March “Bud” 2003 Osborne W. Bowman, Jr. 2002 William C. Duke 2001 Frederick A. Kottmyer, III 2000 Arthur D. Harman 1999 David C. Sheasley 1998 Arthur R. Smith, Jr. 1997 Arthur C. Ryder, Jr. 1996 Robert E. Ditzel 1995 *Beauford “Bud” W. Ott 1994 George B. Krone 1993 Albert H. Shaffer, Sr. 1992 Jim Welty 1991 Rich Stahle 1990 No Award 1989 Scott Ott 1988 No Award 1987 Scott Barnett 1986 * Deceased