The City of York will be naming the tennis courts in Penn Park after LaToia Elizabeth Williams on Saturday, July 1, 2023 at a dedication ceremony beginning at Noon. LaToia helped spread her love of tennis by leading the Tennis for Kids Summer Program at Penn Park from 2016 until her death at the age of 41 in 2021.
LaToia was a lifelong resident of the City of York, Pennsylvania. She was an outstanding educator who graduated from Millersville University with a degree in Early Childhood-Elementary Education in 2001 and taught at YMCA day care, first grade at Logos Academy, pre-K at Crispus Attucks, and reading at Davis Elementary School. She obtained a beautician’s license and served people who will remember her in that occupation too. LaToia opened her home to foreign exchange students and children of York City in need of temporary housing and guardianship. She was active in her church.
The City will forever value LaToia’s important work inspiring children to play tennis. Naming the Penn Park tennis courts “The LaToia Elizabeth Williams Tennis Courts” will keep LaToia’s memory alive for the community.