Mayor Michael Helfrich is proud to announce a partnership with eManagement Solutions to develop a neighborhood supplier capacity analysis. The neighborhood capacity analysis and the accompanying demand analysis are two critical pieces in the Local Sourcing Initiative – the city’s effort to establish a more equitable, efficient and networked local economic infrastructure.
Once established, the Local Sourcing Initiative (LSI) will match neighborhood suppliers with local businesses who have identified a demand for goods and services and have expressed an interest in sourcing those goods and services locally. With a current directory and business profile of our neighborhood businesses, institutions will have another tool at their disposal to help them do more business locally. The goal of the Local Sourcing Initiative is simple: We will continuously analyze our existing market of suppliers and proactively connect those suppliers with businesses that have a need for those goods and services.
Like the neighborhood supplier capacity analysis being undertaken, a similar analysis is underway on the demand side. This will allow our planners to understand the needs and challenges of our demand institutions and to gain a better understanding of their spending for goods and services. By doing so, we can identify opportunities and local solutions, thereby stimulating economic and business activity in our neighborhoods.
Under the direction and supervision of the Economic & Community Development Department, the City will coordinate this effort with eManagement Solutions, a locally owned and operated strategic planning firm.
eManagement Solutions brings a wealth of solid executive management experience with specific focus on strategic planning & program development; leadership development; process re-engineering; project management and customer service operations.
A point of contact number has been established for this initiative. If you are an entrepreneur or business owner living in the city of York and would like to participate in the creation of a neighborhood supplier directory and business profile, please contact Eric Kirkland at (717) 640-1476 or to schedule an appointment.