Update on City of York Wastewater Treatment RFP

On December 9, 2020, the City received proposals from four well-known and established companies in response to the request for proposals (“RFP”) for sale of the wastewater system serving the City of York and providing wastewater treatment service to surrounding municipalities.  All of the respondents that submitted bids have a proven record of safe and reliable service in multiple jurisdictions.  Additionally, all proposals were competitive, with each respondent offering a purchase price for the wastewater system in excess of $175 million.

Following receipt of the proposals, a committee composed of representatives from the Mayor’s administration, City staff, and City Council reviewed the proposals, including updated proposals submitted by respondents qualifying for a best and final offer.  The review committee is pleased to announce it finalized a recommendation to accept a proposal for sale of the wastewater system.  The proposal will be formally presented to City Council on December 22nd and additionally presented to the York City Sewer Authority in early 2021.  The tentative sale of the wastewater system is also contingent upon approval of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.

“We are extremely pleased with the responses and results of the RFP process,”said Mayor Michael Helfrich.

“Our committee believes, based on the RFP results, that the sale of the wastewater system is in the best interests of all City residents as well as all customers currently served by the system.”THERE WILL BE NO ADDITIONAL COMMENT ON THIS MATTER AT THIS TIME.

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