On March 26th of this year, Commissioner Muldrow launched the “Aging in Place” initiative to help our seniors remain in their own homes as they grow older. This project started out as two senior residents that asked for security cameras so they could remain in their homes and feel safe. Through donations and a partnership with the York City Electrical Bureau, the department was able to obtain and install the camera systems to help our residents.
As word spread of department’s newest program, the demand for cameras increased to over 200 residents requesting cameras. To successfully assist with fulfilling all these requests, the Community Services staff developed an application and tracking process to track these requests more efficiently. The staff was able to obtain wireless cameras and help the senior residents set up and control their own cameras. The police department has no access to these cameras to preserve their privacy.
While working on this program, the company whose cameras we used, Reolink, reached out to our department and generously donated 145 wireless cameras and 35 wired cameras to jump start the program. Other donors also came forward and donated various amounts of money to ensure the success of the program. The department is again working with our Electrical Bureau to better the lives of our citizens by continuing to install cameras for them.
Part of the mission of the York City Police Department is enhancing the quality of life and seeking solutions and fostering a sense of security in the communities and individuals. The Aging in Place program looks to fulfill the goals of that mission, and our partners are a vital part of the program.