York City Mayor Michael Helfrich today issued the following statement regarding an agreement reached between the City, Pennsylvania-American Water Company, five suburban municipalities, the Office of Consumer Advocate (OCA), the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement (I&E), the Office of Small Business Advocate (OSBA) and The York Water Company:
“Following months of negotiations, the interested parties have reached agreement on the proposed sale of the York City Wastewater System to Pennsylvania-American Water Company. Today, the agreement was submitted to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission for its consideration as part of the overall review and approval process. The agreement protects the interests of City and suburban sewer users alike. The City of York appreciates our suburban neighbors, the State Advocates (OCA, I&E and OSBA), The York Water Company and Pennsylvania-American Water Company for their good-faith efforts to reach consensus and agreement on this important transaction. It is our hope that, together, we can bring this sale to PUC approval and conclusion for the benefit of the City and the entire York region.”
York City Mayor Michael Helfrich
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